My Favorite Perfumes

Hey guys! Today i want to tell you about my most-worn and beloved perfumes. These two are both from Chanel, and if you have never tried their perfumes then you are seriously missing out. These people know what they do.
 I purchased both scentes this summer and have been wearing them non-stop ever since.

Some basic information about the perfumes:

-Very long-lasting. I spritz it in the morning and the smell is still there even the next morning. (Though i have to say that it mainly applies to my hair, my wrists, for example, do not keep the smell for that long)
-The scent is very strong but not sickly
Chanel Chance Eao Tendre

This one has a flowery-fruity scent to it, it is quite sweet and fresh at the same time, which i absolutely adore! I feel like a lot of people would love this perfume. It's very tender and femenine, but it's not tipical girly scent. I also feel like wearing a fluffy blanket when i have this on. Though it might just be my perception, not the smell.

Chanel Chance Eau Vivre

This is a flowery scent as well, but it's very different from the first one. You definately can smell a jasmine and vanilla. It may sound terrible, and i know for a fact that people whether love or hate this, there's no in between. I completely fell in love with the scent as i tried it on myself. Actually, when i sniffed it in the bottle i thought it was really bad, and i don't know why, but i spritzed it on my wrist, and than the miracle happened. The perfume opened so beautifuly on my skin, people always compliment me when i wear this.

I can't pick a favorite one, it deffinately depends on my mood. They're both very cozy but elegant scentes to me. And i honestly feel like million dollars when i wear one of these. If you haven't tried any of the Chanel perfumes, i highly recommend you to give it a sniff and papmer yourself with this purchase!

Lots of love,

P.S. Previous post 

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  1. This is such a fun post! thanks for sharing:) have a lovely day...
    follow for follow?:)


    1. Thank you, you're so nice! Hope you have a good day as well! But i'm sorry, i'm not interested in follow for follow. But thanks for asking:)

  2. I've never tried tham. But I'm tempted (:
    Nati xx

    1. Highly recommend, but so you know, you might fall in love!;)

  3. I wear perfumes according my mood too ♥

    1. I think a lot of people do, that way is more fun!)


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