I love doing tags, i find them so much fun! I recently did the Winter Tag (read here), and you guys seemed to love it as well, so today i'm doing a slightly different one - The Christmas Tag! How exiting is that?! I hope i found the right questions though. There's a lot of questions so lets dive right into them!
Elf. There's no other choice, i think it is the most festive one and it puts me in a greatest mood! And it's perfect for a family movie night. I honestly think everyone would love this film!
Have you ever had a White Christmas?
Actually, it snows quite a bit where i live. Not every year it's snowing on a Christmas day, but it's also not a rare thing at all. Fingers crossed this year it's white Christmas and white New Year again! There's just something magical about snowing on Christmas.
Where do you usually spend your holiday?
At home with friends and family. I love how a few days after New Year we always go to relatives' and just spend a lot of time surrounded by family. Though it would be really fun to go somewhere one a winter holiday one day.
What is your favorite Christmas song?
I did Top 15 Christmas Songs blogpost a few days ago (here). But okay, if i had to pick just one, i would probably say Baby It's Cold Outside by Kurt and Blaine. I have a lot though, my Christmas playlist is ginormous!
Do you open any presents on Christmas Eve?
No, never do. I try my best to wait and open them on time. Go me! However, when i was little, i used to look under the tree and tried to overlook what the presents were.
Can you name all of Santa’s reindeer?
That's emberassing, but i remember only Rudolph. Please don't hate me:)
What holiday traditions are you looking forward to most this year?
Hm, let me think. I like to cook Christmas and New Year's dinner with my family. But i honestly just want to spend some holi joli time with the fam! I really like Christmas shopping and baking gingerbread biscuits though.
Is your Christmas tree real or fake?
I have a big main Christmas tree at my parents' room and a smaller one in my room. They are both fake. We always used to have a real one. Don't remember why we switched it lately.
What is your all-time favorite holiday food/sweet treat?
Gingerbread biscuits, gingerbread latte from Starbucks and hot cocoa with marshmellows and cinnamon on top!
Be honest: do you like giving gifts or receiving gifts better?
This is such a hard question! I love both so much! I look forward to seening people's faces when i give them my presents, but recieving is also so good! I can't pick one, i really can't.
What is the best Christmas gift you’ve ever received?
Oh, i don't know, i honestly love everything my parents have gifted me! Probably a stuffed fluffy dog. I always sleep with it when i'm scared or sad.
What would be your dream place to visit for the holiday season?
If we're talking about DREAM place then i would say Hogwarts, but if for real then either Times Square in New York or somewhere, where there would be a lot of snow, mountains, and the temprature is not too cold :)
Are you a pro-present wrapper, or do you fail miserably?
I'm pretty good... no, that's a lie, i'm quite bad at this. I'm getting better though.
Most memorable Holiday moment?
I already shared one very good memory of my friend and i reading Charles Dickens' book and discussing every story in it (read full "story" here), so that was fun. What else...i cherish a lot of Christmas eve's memories with my family.
What made you realize the truth about Santa?
I don't think there was an exact moment. I thing at the age of 12 or 13 i started questioning myself and my parents, but they always told me the Santa was real, so i believed in him for quite a long time. And maybe when i was 14 i fully understood the truth. Bit to be completely honest, sometimes i want to put on pink glasses and right Santa a letter.
Do you make New Years resolutions? Do you stick to them?
Almost every year a make a big list of habbits i want to evolve, but i never ever stick to the list. I want to try to change the situation this year. I mean, really try. So wish me luck, everybody!
What makes the holidays special for you?
The atmosphere and ability to spend a lot of time with my family, even with the members i don't get to see very often during the year.
P.S. Previous posts
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