The Winter TAG

Hello everyone! Happy first December to you all! I got sick and i feel extremely bad, but i really wanted to have a post to go up today, so i thought i would do something quick and easy. I found these questions on google, hope you will enjoy reading me answering them<3

Do You Like The Cold

I honestly don't even know, which i so odd! It really depends, i think. If it's freazing outside and i can't even get out of the house then no, i don't like the cold. But if it's just a bit chilly i can make myself enjoy the weather :)

Favorite Part About Winter

I would say the holidays, the atmosphere of happiness and joy, cozy sweaters, and i also quite like skiing! Oh, and Christmas films and books...though i think when i said atmosphere it kind of was comprised as well...i don't know.
Favorite Winter Drink

I'm going to be very cheesy with this question. My number one winter drink used to be hot chocolate with marshmellows and cinnamon on top, but this year i became addicted to Starbucks, so now my favorite drink is their Gingerbread Latte, i absolutely love the taste!

Do You Do Any Outdoor Activities In The Winter

Besides skiing not really, i don't even go outside a lot in the winter time. I'm such a grandma.

Favorite Winter Scent

Ugh, that's a tough one. I recently wrote about my favorite fall scentes, so it might be one of them (read here). But to be honest, i haven't found THE ONE this year. But it has to be sweet for sure!

Does It Snow Where You Live

Oh yes it does! And it does a lot! I love when it's snowing but only if it's not too cold or warm outside. Because in the first case i might turn into a icicle and in the second one there will be slush everywhere, which is definately not a nice thing.

Favorite Clothing Item In Winter

That's easy for me. Scarfs and mittens for sure! They make me feel very warm and cozy, which is lovely.

Favorite Winter Memory

I can't think of a particular one. Though i remember a few years ago when i only started becoming friends with my nowadays best friend, we bought same book, which was Charles Dickens' Christmas stories, and we read each story and them thoroughly discussed them. We also texted each other every ten minutes asking like "at what page are you know? what do you think? i'm loving it so much!" haha so childish, i know:) But that was really fun, and now that is one of my top assosiations of winter holidays.

Thank you so much for reading, guys! Hope you enjoyed this little post.
Love you lots,

P.S. Previous post 
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  1. Ahhh I love the gingerbread latte too! The toffee nut latte is pretty special as well ; ) I wish it snowed more where I live but it only touches down and goes away in a day or so...really want to make a snowman this year!

    1. omg i haven't built a snowman for years!!
      i wonder where do you live?
      Oh, i haven't tried the toffee one, but o really want to!

  2. Hope you feel better soon Love!! I'm obsessed with scarves too! :)


    1. Aw thank you! Yes, the scars are essentials, right?)


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